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Peace Day — International Day of Peace

intention knowledge love necklace peace personal story symbols vision

The International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21st September. Devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.

I like to make and wear jewelry that defines my personal story, that's why I create these pendants to wear close to your heart. They are a reminder to self to initiate peaceful intentions throughout your day. Peace pendants are a symbolic reminder to others who see you wearing them, some people even acknowledge you with a smile and a nod as they pass by. I want to live in a culture of peace. Don't you? What will you do for peace today?


Peace Pendants at Melissa Osgood Studio

The International Day of Peace, a.k.a. "Peace Day" provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations and nations to undertake acts of peace and kindness. People across the globe engage in diverse and meaningful ways: from observing a minute of silence, attending peace education events and writing peace poetry, to participating in peace marches, yoga and meditation. There are many ways you can take part in promoting peace.

"Now peace, you say

Is all that you ask

But self-respect is a separate task"

Marlena Shaw Woman of the Ghetto(live) (Google it.)


Peace Crane circle at Melissa Osgood Studio 

Peace is tricky. It's hard to maintain a peaceful state-of-mind. As an example I go through periods of time where making origami cranes is a meditative activity and I collect them in a vase. I've been doing this for over 20 years and I can never remember how to fold them after time goes by — what a metaphor!!!

Peace crane origami, really nice instructions:

A good and memorable read:

 Peace pendant in sterling silver.

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